Nicholas and Ty started working together on a micro-budget indie feature in 2019. Since then Blue Bark was formed, and they set out to create quality video content for musicians, artists, businesses, and their own passion projects.


Nicholas Hawl

The young Nick, full of curiosity, excitement, and a knack for storytelling, was drawn to the newest of modern technological comforts: the VCR. This plastic box could bring the magic of the cinema into the home. Nick was awash in the fantasy. Dreaming that one day he would leave the farm behind to go on adventures in time, learning the ways of the teenage ninja, fighting foes, swooping through the stars in a galaxy far far away. But alas, with maturity come the reality of the world around us. These things were make believe. They weren’t real. Just a trick of light and sound. A magic trick displayed on a flat screen. But what of the magicians who created this trick? And with this question the youngster at the age of 4 was set with his destiny. Two words oft combined into one: Film Maker. Armed with a calling, from that day on everything that Nick would do would simply be to better himself at the craft of filmmaking, studying the art with a religious passion. Hoping to one day create the magic on screen that gave him the gentle escape. The warm embrace. The window to the world. The story that connects all of us in the human race.

Armed with a calling, from that day on everything that Nick would do would simply be to better himself at the craft of filmmaking, studying the art with a religious passion. Hoping to one day create the magic on screen that gave him the gentle escape. The warm embrace. The window to the world. The story that connects all of us in the human race.


Ty Laird

I have a passion for helping people succeed in whatever they are passionate about. When the opportunity for producing was available, it seemed like the perfect way to do just that. What peaked my interest was being able to collaborate with artists, trying to elevate people’s voices, and even being able to have a say in where budgets can be put towards local and small businesses.